Bid Opportunities
The following is the list of the bid opportunities from the Eastern Iowa Airport (CID).
- Date Issued
- Due Date & Time
- January 20, 2025
- February 28, 2025 2:00 pm
- February 19, 2025
- March 28, 2025 2:00 pm
Disadvantaged and Minority Businesses
The Cedar Rapids Airport Commission (Commission) is committed to guaranteeing opportunities for disadvantaged and minority-owned business to participate in airport contracts. The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program is promulgated pursuant to 49 CFR Parts 23 and 26. It includes all contracts for construction, professional services, and procurement; which are funded in whole or in part by federal dollars from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). This also includes certain concessions operations at the airport. Two programs support that initiative.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program
In accordance with federal law, the Cedar Rapids Airport Commission maintains a DBE program to ensure nondiscrimination in the award of US DOT-assisted contracts and create a level playing field on which DBEs can compete for those contracts.
- FFY2024– FFY2026 DBE Policy & Program – Effective 10/01/2023
- FFY2024– FFY2026 DBE Goals – Effective 10/01/2023
Airport Concessions DBE Program
This program ensures that DBEs have equal opportunity to receive and participate in concession-related contracts.
DBE Compliance
DBE Liaison Officer (DBELO) coordinates and administers the DBE/ACDBE Program and Plan.
Director of Properties & Business Development
The Eastern Iowa Airport
2515 Arthur Collins Pkwy SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
(319) 731-5734
DBE Application
- DBE Uniform Certification Application
- DBE Personal Net Worth Statement
- Out of State Application Instructions
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Certification Support Documents Checklist
DBE Directory
DBE Resources
Ground Transportation Permits
To provide shuttle services at the Eastern Iowa Airport, ground transportation operators must submit an application and required documents for consideration.
There is no application. To provide shuttle services at the Eastern Iowa Airport, ground transportation operators must call (319) 731-5715 for more information.
There is a fee for this permit.
Cedar Rapids Airport
Commission Policies & Compliance
Americans with Disabilities Act
Other Power-Driven Mobility Device Policy
Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy
Cedar Rapids Airport Commission (Commission), operator of The Eastern Iowa Airport, is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in providing access to public services and employment opportunities at the airport. It is the policy of the Commission that no person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in the receipt of its services in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Upon request, the Commission will make communication assistance available for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Passengers at no charge. Please contact Airport Guest Services at 319-362-8336.
- Cedar Rapids Airport Commission Title VI Plan
- CID Title VI Poster
- Title VI Complaint Form
- Language Identification FlashCards (I Speak)
Caleb Mason
Title VI Coordinator/Director of Properties & Business Development
2515 Arthur Collins Pkwy SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
[email protected]
Passenger Facility Charge Program
Pursuant to 14 CFR §158.23 and §158.24, the Cedar Rapids Airport Commission (Commission), operator of the Eastern Iowa Airport (CID) and/or (Airport), hereby provides public notice of the Commission’s intention to file a request to file an application to impose and use Passenger Facility Charges (PFC) at the Airport (PFC Application No. 7) to fund, in whole or in part certain PFC-eligible Airport improvements and equipment purchases. An air carrier consultation meeting was held on Monday, June 19, 2023, at 2:00 PM CDT concerning PFC Application No. 7.
In accordance with 14 CFR, §158.23, each air carrier shall provide written certification of agreement or disagreement with the proposed application within 30 days, by July 19, 2023. If an air carrier does not provide certification, the air carrier is considered to have certified its agreement. A certification of disagreement must contain the reasons for such disagreement; the absence of such reasons shall void the certification of disagreement.
Air carrier certifications should be sent to:
Donald D. Swanson, C.M.
Director of Finance & Administration
The Eastern Iowa Airport
2515 Arthur Collins Parkway SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404-8952
[email protected]
In accordance with 14 CFR, §158.24, the public has the opportunity to file comments on the proposed application for 30 days, until July 19, 2023. An air carrier consultation meeting on the PFC Application projects was held in the Office of the Airport Director, The Eastern Iowa Airport, 2515 Arthur Collins Parkway SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404-8952, on Monday, June 19, 2023, at 2:00 PM CDT.
Detailed project descriptions and benefits is available for public inspection during normal business hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM weekdays at The Eastern Iowa Airport’s Office of the Airport Director for thirty days following the first date of this public notice. The Commission will accept comments about the projects andsupporting documents 30 days from the first date of this public notification.
Comments should be sent to:
Donald D. Swanson, C.M.
Director of Finance & Administration
The Eastern Iowa Airport
2515 Arthur Collins Parkway SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404-8952
[email protected]
Pursuant to Title 14 CFR Part 158, paragraph 158.43, notice is hereby given that the Cedar Rapids Airport Commission, operator of The Eastern Iowa Airport has been given approval to impose and use Passenger Facility Charges (PFC) according to the enclosed FAA’s Final Agency Decision (FAD), granted on August 19, 2015. The level of the PFC is to be Four Dollars and Fifty Cents ($4.50). The total net PFC revenue to be collected is $24,526,972. The charge effective date is May 1, 2016. The estimated charge expiration date is October 1, 2025. PFC remittances and reports should be mailed to the Office of the Airport Director, Cedar Rapids Airport Commission, 2515 Arthur Collins Parkway SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404-8952.
- Air Carrier Notice dated 1/7/16 – Charge Effective Date April 1, 2016
- Air Carrier Notice dated 10/28/14
- Public Notice – CID PFC Application No. 6
- Federal Agency Decision
Pursuant to 14 CFR Part 158, paragraph 158.37, notice is hereby given that the Cedar Rapids Airport Commission, operator of The Eastern Iowa Airport, is amending its PFC Application No. 06-04-C-00-CID. The Amendment request has been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), whom has designated it as Amendment No. 06-04-C-03-CID. A copy of the letter from the FAA approving the Amendment is below. The following pertinent information is provided per the requirements of the Regulation:
- Air Carrier Notice dated 10/28/14
- Public Notice – CID PFC Amendment on Application No. 4
- Federal Agency Decision
Pursuant to 14 CFR Part 158, paragraph 158.37, notice is hereby given that the Cedar Rapids Airport Commission, operator of The Eastern Iowa Airport, is amending its PFC Application No. 09-05-C-00-CID. The Amendment request has been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), whom has designated it as Amendment No. 09-05-C-01-CID. A copy of the letter from the FAA approving the Amendment is below. The following pertinent information is provided per the requirements of the Regulation:
- Air Carrier Notice dated 1/7/16 – Charge Effective Date April 1, 2016
- Air Carrier Notice dated 10/28/14
- Public Notice – CID PFC Application No. 6
- Federal Agency Decision
Public Notices
Pursuant to 14 CFR §158.23 and §158.24, the Cedar Rapids Airport Commission (Commission), operator of the Eastern Iowa Airport (CID) and/or (Airport), hereby provides public notice of the Commission’s intention to file a request to file an application to impose and use Passenger Facility Charges (PFC) at the Airport (PFC Application No. 7) to fund, in whole or in part certain PFC-eligible Airport improvements and equipment purchases. An air carrier consultation meeting was held on Monday, June 19, 2023, at 2:00 PM CDT concerning PFC Application No. 7.
In accordance with 14 CFR, §158.23, each air carrier shall provide written certification of agreement or disagreement with the proposed application within 30 days, by July 19, 2023. If an air carrier does not provide certification, the air carrier is considered to have certified its agreement. A certification of disagreement must contain the reasons for such disagreement; the absence of such reasons shall void the certification of disagreement.
Air carrier certifications should be sent to:
Donald D. Swanson, C.M.
Director of Finance & Administration
The Eastern Iowa Airport
2515 Arthur Collins Parkway SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404-8952
[email protected]
In accordance with 14 CFR, §158.24, the public has the opportunity to file comments on the proposed application for 30 days, until July 19, 2023. An air carrier consultation meeting on the PFC Application projects was held in the Office of the Airport Director, The Eastern Iowa Airport, 2515 Arthur Collins Parkway SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404-8952, on Monday, June 19, 2023, at 2:00 PM CDT.
Detailed project descriptions and benefits is available for public inspection during normal business hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM weekdays at The Eastern Iowa Airport’s Office of the Airport Director for thirty days following the first date of this public notice. The Commission will accept comments about the projects andsupporting documents 30 days from the first date of this public notification.
Comments should be sent to:
Donald D. Swanson, C.M.
Director of Finance & Administration
The Eastern Iowa Airport
2515 Arthur Collins Parkway SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404-8952
[email protected]
DOT FAA Finding of No Significant Impact/Record of Decision
City of Cedar Rapids Notice of Public Hearing Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 – Per the Iowa Code section 384.15A, documents for total maximum property tax dollars: