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Airport Commission Approves Lyft Agreement

Iowa’s Creative Corridor – The Cedar Rapids Airport Commission has approved an agreement with the rideshare company Lyft, Inc. to operate at The Eastern Iowa Airport.

The Commission approved the one-year agreement at its Monday meeting. This is the first agreement  with a Transportation Network Company (TNC) the Commission has approved since the airport’s rules and regulations were revised to provide parameters for rideshare companies.

Under the airport rules, Lyft, Inc. will pay the Commission a one-time $1,000 permit fee to operate at the airport. TNC’s operating at the airport will be required to use an app-based service that implements geo-fencing or a virtual boundary around the airport. The TNC will pay the Commission a $2 per pick-up fee, paid monthly. This pick-up fee amount is consistent with what other airports of similar size have implemented.

Drivers are prohibited from loitering on airport property and must wait outside the geo-fence until they have arranged a customer pick-up. Drivers will pick up passengers in a designated area on the east side of the terminal in the Ground Transportation area.

Kirk Safford, senior manager, airports for Lyft, said in a statement, “We’re thrilled that Lyft is now available for travelers at The Eastern Iowa Airport, and would like to thank the airport team for its collaborative efforts to bring safe, reliable and affordable transportation options to the airport.”

The airport is also finalizing an agreement with rideshare company Uber.

Marty Lenss, airport director, said having agreements in place with TNC’s provides more ground transportation options for customers. The airport is presently served by taxi service, shuttles and limousines.

“One of the airport’s core values is customer service and one of the ways to fulfill that is to provide a wide array of options,” he said.