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CID Launches Wings2Water

Wings2Water, a fundraising platform for water quality projects in Linn and Johnson Counties, officially launched today providing a way for anyone to help contribute to regional water quality improvement projects.

Wings2Water, initiated by the Eastern Iowa Airport (CID), has a mission to support projects that help reduce Iowa’s runoff and flood impacts, restore local water quality and help eliminate the Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico.

Marty Lenss, CID director, said environmental stewardship is one of the airport’s core values. “Over the last several years the airport has implemented several conservation practices throughout the organization,” he says. “In addition, the airport owns 3,000 acres, with 2,000 acres in farm production.”

The airport land sits atop the Cedar and Iowa River watersheds and the Airport Commission and CID team believe it is incumbent upon the airport to help raise awareness and make a difference to improve water quality in Iowa and downstream – ultimately, the Mississippi River watershed.

“Wings2Water is a unique way to utilize the airport terminal marketplace and put a megaphone on the issue for two reasons: One – raise awareness, and; Two, raise funds,” Lenss says.

The airport has formal agreements in place with both Linn and Johnson County Conservation Boards. At this time, 100 percent of the money raised will go toward two projects designated by each conservation board.

Three million customers come to the airport each year and Lenss says Wings2Water is a way an individual can contribute from a dime to thousands of dollars.

“It gives everyone an opportunity to be an impact investor,” he says, and, “It will allow the counties to do more projects and complete them quicker.”

Wings2Water is guided by an 11-member cabinet. Lenss said the first year goal is to raise $250,000. At today’s launch, it was announced $131,000 has already been raised through several donations.

There will be several touchpoints throughout the terminal to raise awareness about water quality projects and provide ways to donate. The primary way people will be encouraged to participate is through the website:

Messaging in the terminal will include: Signage throughout the terminal, on the airport’s free wifi system; marketing pieces in seating areas and in the restaurants and gift shop and one of the most noticeable ways – parking meters.

Parking meters donated by Park Cedar Rapids will be placed in the terminal where people can donate change. Businesses or organizations interested in having a meter at their business location should contact Pam Hinman, director of marketing and communications, at

For more information about Wings2Water, go to